Devmani Reiki
What is Reiki?
Reiki can be defined as a spiritually guided life force energy or healing energy that is guided by the Higher Intelligence. The word Reiki (ray-key) is made from two Japanese words: REI: Spiritual Wisdom or Wisdom of God . KI: Life force, also called vital life force or Universal Life Force.Reiki is a technique that allows people, who have been initiated into Reiki, to tap into a unique utilization of life force energy. Once a person has had the Reiki Attunements (from a Reiki Master) and wishes to do a healing, they can simply place their hands on or near an area of the body, the energy starts to flow immediately. Reiki treats the whole person, including body, emotions, mind and spirit. Reiki has its own intelligence and knows exactly where to go, what to do and needs no “direction” from the practitioner. It puts the person treated in a “space” where many positive responses can occur, some of these being: calming and relaxation, feelings of peace and joy, relief from pain and inflammation, fatigue, insomnia, etc. Since Reiki is guided by the God-consciousness, it can never do harm.
Reiki is a pure form of healing, not dependent on individual talent or acquired ability. The feeling of being connected directly to God’s healing love and protection is clearly apparent. This energy works to harmonize, or bring into balance, the total you: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
You can easily learn to give Reiki treatments to yourself – a daily treatment is recommended- to family, friends, clients, enriching your sense of giving and receiving. The use of Reiki as a relaxation and stress reducing technique is becoming accepted and widespread; and is totally compatible with all other healing modalities.
Reiki is a pure form of healing, not dependent on individual talent or acquired ability. The feeling of being connected directly to God’s healing love and protection is clearly apparent. This energy works to harmonize, or bring into balance, the total you: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
You can easily learn to give Reiki treatments to yourself – a daily treatment is recommended- to family, friends, clients, enriching your sense of giving and receiving. The use of Reiki as a relaxation and stress reducing technique is becoming accepted and widespread; and is totally compatible with all other healing modalities.
How It’s Done?
In its simplest form using Reiki is simply the practitioner placing their hands on the recipient with the intent of bringing healing, and willing for Reiki energy to flow.
There is a set of hand positions traditionally taught which give good coverage over the recipients entire body. It is not necessary to follow those positions, they are merely taught as a starting position from which the practitioner can learn. If there is a specific area of concern the practitioner can keep his/her hands right there for as long as necessary.
There is a set of hand positions traditionally taught which give good coverage over the recipients entire body. It is not necessary to follow those positions, they are merely taught as a starting position from which the practitioner can learn. If there is a specific area of concern the practitioner can keep his/her hands right there for as long as necessary.
How long does it take to learn Reiki?
A beginning Reiki class is taught on a weekend. The class can be one or two days long. I recommend that the minimum time necessary be at least six to seven hours. Along with the attunement, it is necessary that the student be shown how to give treatments and also to practice giving treatments in class.
How much does a treatment usually cost?
A Reiki treatment’s cost depend on the area of the country. However, some practitioners offer treatments free of charge or for a donation.
What Can be Treated?
Reiki can be either powerful or gentle, depending on the need. It has aided in healing virtually every known illness and injury, including serious problems like multiple sclerosis, heart disease, fibromyalgia, arthritis, and cancer. People, who do Reiki, also use it in treating common ailments such as migraine headaches, colds, flu, sore throats, and “everyday” aches and pains. Others use Reiki as a technique for stress reduction and relaxation.
Reiki also goes past the physical body and can help in treating emotional and mental concerns such as anxiety and depression, lack of confidence, hyperactivity, confusion, negative programming, and can help create optimism, etc.
Sometimes it is difficult to remember all that Reiki can do. However, once you are in the habit of using Reiki, you will probably find its uses unlimited. Try Reiki on cuts, bruises, broken bones, sunburn, etc.
It is nearly always beneficial and works to improve the effectiveness of all other types of medical treatments. It will reduce negative side effects, shorten healing time, and reduce or eliminate pain.
Also, Reiki is a terrific health maintenance system. Use as much Reiki as you can in the hope that you do not become sick. So even if you do not have a specific problem to treat, Reiki can be of tremendous value.
Reiki also goes past the physical body and can help in treating emotional and mental concerns such as anxiety and depression, lack of confidence, hyperactivity, confusion, negative programming, and can help create optimism, etc.
Sometimes it is difficult to remember all that Reiki can do. However, once you are in the habit of using Reiki, you will probably find its uses unlimited. Try Reiki on cuts, bruises, broken bones, sunburn, etc.
It is nearly always beneficial and works to improve the effectiveness of all other types of medical treatments. It will reduce negative side effects, shorten healing time, and reduce or eliminate pain.
Also, Reiki is a terrific health maintenance system. Use as much Reiki as you can in the hope that you do not become sick. So even if you do not have a specific problem to treat, Reiki can be of tremendous value.
Can I treat myself?
Yes, once you have received the attunement, you can treat yourself as well as others. This is one of the unique features of Reiki.
Are there any side effects from a Reiki treatment?
Most of the time a person will feel relaxed and uplifted by a Reiki treatment. However, sometimes a person will have what is called a healing crisis. As a person’s vibration goes up, toxins that have been stored in the body will be released into the blood stream to be filtered by the liver and kidneys and removed from the system.
When this happens, sometimes a person can get a headache or stomach ache or feel weak. If this happens, it is a good idea to drink more water, eat lighter meals and get more rest. The body is cleansing as part of the healing process so this is a good sign.
When this happens, sometimes a person can get a headache or stomach ache or feel weak. If this happens, it is a good idea to drink more water, eat lighter meals and get more rest. The body is cleansing as part of the healing process so this is a good sign.
What Does Reiki Energy Feel Like?
Most often, during a treatment, the energy experienced is a warmth. That is, the practitioner will feel some warmth or heat on their palms and the patient will feel some warmth or heat on the area that the practitioner is treating. However, Reiki can be felt in other ways as well, such as a mild tingle (as when an arm or leg has “fallen asleep”), a throbbing, or a pulsing.
The energy comes through in what is referred to as a “rise and fall.” It may take a minute or two before you feel anything in your hands. Then, you’ll feel the warmth, heat, or other sensation. This can last for another minute or two. Lastly, there will be a drop-off of the energy and you will not feel the same heat intensity. One rise and fall is called an energy cycle and is usually between 3-5 minutes.
Keep in mind that you may not feel anything during a treatment and vice versa for the person you’re treating. For example, you may not feel anything in your hands, yet the person you’re treating may feel a lot of heat. Don’t be discouraged. Treat an area for a completion of one energy cycle (i.e. 5 minutes).
Some people, especially healthy and stable, may not feel any physical sensation but may feel mental or emotional changes, such as a sense of calm or peace, and very relaxing. Most of us, however, feel discomfort somewhere in our lives, and can benefit from receiving Reiki.
It is also sometimes difficult to feel the energy during a self-treatment. This is probably due to an equilibrium of energy coming through your body, out of your hands, and back into your body.
The energy comes through in what is referred to as a “rise and fall.” It may take a minute or two before you feel anything in your hands. Then, you’ll feel the warmth, heat, or other sensation. This can last for another minute or two. Lastly, there will be a drop-off of the energy and you will not feel the same heat intensity. One rise and fall is called an energy cycle and is usually between 3-5 minutes.
Keep in mind that you may not feel anything during a treatment and vice versa for the person you’re treating. For example, you may not feel anything in your hands, yet the person you’re treating may feel a lot of heat. Don’t be discouraged. Treat an area for a completion of one energy cycle (i.e. 5 minutes).
Some people, especially healthy and stable, may not feel any physical sensation but may feel mental or emotional changes, such as a sense of calm or peace, and very relaxing. Most of us, however, feel discomfort somewhere in our lives, and can benefit from receiving Reiki.
It is also sometimes difficult to feel the energy during a self-treatment. This is probably due to an equilibrium of energy coming through your body, out of your hands, and back into your body.
I have heard that Reiki can be sent to others at a distance. How does this work?
Yes, in Reiki II, you are given three Reiki symbols. These symbols are empowered by the Reiki II attunement. One of these symbols is for distant healing. By using a picture of the person you would like to send Reiki to or by writing the person’s name on a piece of paper or simply by thinking of the person and also activating the distant symbol, you can send Reiki to them no matter where they are. The Reiki energy will go to them and treat them. You can also send Reiki to crisis situations or world leaders and the Reiki energy will help them too.
Can Reiki be given to non-human recipients?
Yes, you can Reiki your car! One trip to Mt. Shasta I swear the only way we made it to the top was sending Reiki through the gearshift and dashbord into the car. Many people use Reiki on their food before eating. And much more.
It can be used on relationships between people. Like with remote healings the healer should come up with a way to objectify the relationship, then apply energy to the object as for a remote healing.
Recall that physicists are realizing that everything around us is made of energy. Recall that Reiki is about channeling energy. Therefore it stands to reason that Reiki can be applied to anything made of energy, i.e. anything in existance.
It can be used on relationships between people. Like with remote healings the healer should come up with a way to objectify the relationship, then apply energy to the object as for a remote healing.
Recall that physicists are realizing that everything around us is made of energy. Recall that Reiki is about channeling energy. Therefore it stands to reason that Reiki can be applied to anything made of energy, i.e. anything in existance.
Is Reiki a Religion?
This is a question that may arise early in a discussion about Reiki. By the definition of Reiki, we know there is a life force that is guided by a Higher Power. However, Reiki is clearly not a religion. In fact, Reiki knows no boundaries. It works on all people regardless of faith, culture, or creed.
If one chooses, Reiki can be very spiritual. Many people find that using Reiki puts them more in touch with the experience of their religion rather than having only an intellectual concept of it. Reiki can also be used with the “power of prayer”. Since Reiki has the ability to transcend time and space, it is possible to call upon religious figures (Jesus, Buddha, etc.) to assist in a healing.
Reiki has no dogma, and there is nothing you must believe in order to learn and use Reiki. It is interesting to note, that for Reiki to work, one does not even need to believe in Reiki itself.
If one chooses, Reiki can be very spiritual. Many people find that using Reiki puts them more in touch with the experience of their religion rather than having only an intellectual concept of it. Reiki can also be used with the “power of prayer”. Since Reiki has the ability to transcend time and space, it is possible to call upon religious figures (Jesus, Buddha, etc.) to assist in a healing.
Reiki has no dogma, and there is nothing you must believe in order to learn and use Reiki. It is interesting to note, that for Reiki to work, one does not even need to believe in Reiki itself.
Can Anyone Do/Learn Reiki?
In a word, yes. As mentioned above, Reiki knows no boundaries. This is true for all people, regardless of ones intellectual capacity or spiritual development. There are no prerequisites such as previous healing or medical experience. Since it is not dependent on anything, it is available to everyone. It has been successful for millions of people of all ages and backgrounds.
Who can learn to do Reiki?
Reiki is a very simple technique to learn and is not dependent on one having any prior experience with healing, meditation or any other kind of training. It has been successfully learned by over one million people from all walks of life, both young an old. The reason it is so easy to learn that it is not taught in the usual way something is taught. The ability to do Reiki is simply transferred from the teacher to the student through a process called an attunement that takes place during a Reiki class. As soon as one receives an attunement, they have the ability to do Reiki and after that whenever one places their hands on themselves or on another person
with the intention of doing Reiki, the healing energy will automatically begin flowing.
with the intention of doing Reiki, the healing energy will automatically begin flowing.
The Attunement
The giving of the ability to do Reiki is called an attunement. During this process, the student gets “attuned” with the universal energy by a transferring of energy from a Reiki master to a student. Once attuned the student will have the capability to do Reiki immediately. It is that simple.
Through a series of energy symbols, the Reiki master “connects” the student’s internal energy centers (chakras) with the universal energy (Reiki). This then gives the student the ability to use Reiki.
Once you have received a Reiki attunement, you will have Reiki for the remainder of your life, whether you use it or not. It does not wear off and you can never lose it. The attunement is usually a very pleasant experience with calming and relaxing feelings.
Through a series of energy symbols, the Reiki master “connects” the student’s internal energy centers (chakras) with the universal energy (Reiki). This then gives the student the ability to use Reiki.
Once you have received a Reiki attunement, you will have Reiki for the remainder of your life, whether you use it or not. It does not wear off and you can never lose it. The attunement is usually a very pleasant experience with calming and relaxing feelings.
Can I treat animals or plants?
Animals love Reiki too. They seem to have a natural understanding of what Reiki is and its benefits. Once a pet has received a Reiki treatment, they will often let you know that they want more. Plants also respond well to Reiki.
What about babies?
Babies love Reiki. It is very healthy for them. Do not worry about it being too strong. Reiki automatically adjusts to what the baby needs.
Is it safe for pregnant woman?
Since Reiki is guided by the Higher Power, the Reiki energy will know the condition of the client or student and adjust appropriately. Reiki can only do good. Many pregnant women have received treatments with great benefit to them and their unborn child. It has also been used during child birth. Pregnant women have also taken the Reiki training and received the Reiki attunement with beneficial results.
Can children learn Reiki?
Yes, Reiki can be taught to anyone. I recommend that a child be old enough to understand what Reiki is and that the child request to receive Reiki.
How do I find a Reiki teacher that is right for me?
Reiki teachers or Masters advertise in many magazines and also post notices at health food stores, new age bookstores and other places. Once you find a Reiki teacher or practitioner you are interested in receiving training or a treatment from, it is a good idea to ask them some important questions. Here are a few that will give you additional information to make a choice.
How many levels are there to the Reiki training?
In the Usui/Tibetan system of Reiki taught by the Center, there are four levels. These include one, two, advanced and Master.
What is a Reiki attunement?
A Reiki attunement is the process by which a person receives the ability to give Reiki treatments. The attunement is administered by the Reiki Master during the Reiki class. During the attunement, the Reiki Master will touch the students head, shoulders, and hands and use one or more special breathing techniques. These special energies are guided by the Higher Power and make adjustments in the students energy pathways and connect the student to the source of Reiki. Because the energetic aspect of the attunement is guided by the Higher Power, it adjusts itself to be exactly right for each student. During the attunement, some students feel warmth in the hands, others may see colors or have visions of spiritual beings. However, it is not necessary to have an inner experience for the attunement to have worked. Most simply feel more relaxed.
Can one become Licensed to practice and teach Reiki?
There are no governmental licensing programs at this time. But you can have the certificate of completing the particular Reiki Level.
Can a person make a living from Reiki?
Yes, if you put your heart into it, you can develop a Reiki practice combined with teaching classes that can bring a regular income. This is a very fulfilling way to earn a living.
What is lineage?
Reiki is a technique that is passed on from teacher to student over and over. If one has Reiki, than she/he will be part of a succession of teachers leading back to the founder of the system of Reiki one is practicing. In the case of Usui Reiki, the lineage would lead back to Dr. Usui.
Reiki can never cause Harm Reiki is guided by a Higher Power, therefore, does no harm. It is pure “good” energy. There are no side effects, unlike medicine, you can’t overuse it. Reiki is always helpful and should be used whenever and wherever possible. The energy cannot be depleted, so use as much as necessary. It knows what a person needs and will adjust itself to maximize treatment of that need.
Reiki never violates the free will, so it will work to the degree that one is willing to receive the energy. If a person, for whatever reason, is not willing to receive a treatment, no energy will be transferred.
Reiki can never cause Harm Reiki is guided by a Higher Power, therefore, does no harm. It is pure “good” energy. There are no side effects, unlike medicine, you can’t overuse it. Reiki is always helpful and should be used whenever and wherever possible. The energy cannot be depleted, so use as much as necessary. It knows what a person needs and will adjust itself to maximize treatment of that need.
Reiki never violates the free will, so it will work to the degree that one is willing to receive the energy. If a person, for whatever reason, is not willing to receive a treatment, no energy will be transferred.
Warning: Reiki is not a substitute for appropriate medical or emotional treatment. Reiki is a complementary treatment, and should be used only as a supplement when other forms of treatment are necessary. Reiki can only enhance whatever natural healing is taking place and it cannot be used to guarantee outcomes.

Effects of Reiki

Stress Relief

Increases Creativity

Heals Holistically

Reverses Ageing Process


Balance Energy

Helps Relieve insomnia

Amplifies Energy

Vitalizes Body & Mind

Works on Causal Level of Disease