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Devmani Reiki

Faith, Trust & Submission.

Devmani Reiki

The Magic Touch of Reiki.

Devmani Reiki

Heal your Body, Mind & Soul.

Devmani Reiki

Since 1998

Grand Master Swami Jeevan Devman
Devmani Reiki

About Us

“Grand Master Swami Jeevan Devmani has been a dynamic facilitator and practitioner of Alternate Therapy Systems for nearly a decade now. The ancient techniques he learnt from various Gurus and Munis have increased his Healing powers several-fold. This in turn has deeply entrenched Swami in healing, spreading awareness of the ancient time-tested techniques and in imparting training to aspirants in the rich and diverse systems. Before becoming a skilful healer and talented teacher, Swami Jeevan Devmani disciplined himself to different courses such as:

Reiki, Karuna Reiki, The Art of Living (Sudarashan Kriya), Music Therapy, Color Therapy, Acupressure, Massage, Activation of Kundalini, Aroma, Crystal & Gem Therapy, Pyramid Science, Meditation & Yoga, Body Language, Magnet Therapy, Urine Therapy, Rudraksha, Pranic Healing, Stress & Time Management, Tarot Cards Reading, Prana Violet Healings. Till now, Swami Jeevan Devmani has healed over thousands of patients; he renders free healing and training to the physically handicapped and elevated souls like Sanyasis and Yogis.

Learn Various Healing Techniques

Internationally renowned Reiki Grandmaster Swami Jeevan Devmani has trained over hundreds of students, conducts latest New Age Transformation courses in Reiki (1, 2, 3 and 4th Degree), Psychic surgery, Crystal Therapy, Reading and Feeling Aura, Pendulum Dowsing, Karuna Reiki (1, 2 & Masters). Schedule and duration of each course vary. Details can be obtained over phone, E-mail or in person.

My Coordinator

Mr. Subhash Goyal

Reiki Grand Master
After my retirement from Government service I was desperately searching for an occupation to keep myself busy in some useful manner which can provide me a useful retired life in society. Somewhere in the year 1999 my youngest daughter Niharika incited me to learn Reiki – a touch therapy as she had a good experience of having her headache treated by a Reiki therapist. Luckily I met Major Kuldipak Solanki a Reiki master who in seminar gave such wonderful and of course unbelievable account of Reiki that, a skeptic person like me could not easily digest, but Major Kuldipak assured me and ordered me (being myself ex Army) to do the class for First Degree. Well that was the lucky day of my life. Once I was initiated and attuned with this wonderful energy, I decided to follow and pursue the path of Reiki throughout my remaining life. Subsequently, I received my second Degree in June 1999, Masters Degree in Oct 1999 and Grand Masters Degree in August 2000.

I have been able to heal a good number of people having physical,mental,emotional problems and what not :– ALL GRACE GOES TO REIKI. I have been teaching Reiki for last 18 years.

Mr. Subhash Goyal

5 Principles of Reiki

  • Just for today, I will not worry.
  • Just for today, I will not get angry.
  • Just for today, I will earn my living honestly.
  • Just for today, I will honour my parents, Teachers and elders.
  • Just for today, I will live by the Attitude of gratitude.


Floral Decor

Effects of Reiki

Reiki Stress Relief

Stress Relief


Increases Creativity

Increases Creativity


Heals Holistically

Heals Holistically


Reverses again Process

Reverses Ageing Process





Chakra Meditation
Balance Energy

Balance Energy


Helps Relieve insomnia

Helps Relieve insomnia


Amplifies Energy

Amplifies Energy


Vitalizes Body Mind

Vitalizes Body & Mind


Works on Causal Level of Disease

Works on Causal Level of Disease


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