Devmani Reiki
About Us
Reiki, Karuna Reiki, The Art of Living (Sudarashan Kriya), Music Therapy, Color Therapy, Acupressure, Massage, Activation of Kundalini, Aroma, Crystal & Gem Therapy, Pyramid Science, Meditation & Yoga, Body Language, Magnet Therapy, Urine Therapy, Rudraksha, Pranic Healing, Stress & Time Management, Tarot Cards Reading, Prana Violet Healings. Till now, Swami Jeevan Devmani has healed over thousands of patients; he renders free healing and training to the physically handicapped and elevated souls like Sanyasis and Yogis.
Learn Various Healing Techniques
Internationally renowned Reiki Grandmaster Swami Jeevan Devmani has trained over hundreds of students, conducts latest New Age Transformation courses in Reiki (1, 2, 3 and 4th Degree), Psychic surgery, Crystal Therapy, Reading and Feeling Aura, Pendulum Dowsing, Karuna Reiki (1, 2 & Masters). Schedule and duration of each course vary. Details can be obtained over phone, E-mail or in person.
My Coordinator
Mr. Subhash Goyal
Reiki Grand Master
I have been able to heal a good number of people having physical,mental,emotional problems and what not :– ALL GRACE GOES TO REIKI. I have been teaching Reiki for last 18 years.


Effects of Reiki

Stress Relief

Increases Creativity

Heals Holistically

Reverses Ageing Process


Balance Energy

Helps Relieve insomnia

Amplifies Energy

Vitalizes Body & Mind

Works on Causal Level of Disease